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Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan was the Director of the National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics in Romania. She was the first to use procaine as an ingredient in anti-ageing products.
The promise of prolonged youth along with the testimonials of thousands of users of a seemingly miraculous treatment has reached far beyond the borders of Romania.

Under Dr. Ana Aslan’s supervision, a staff of 1000 doctors, in over 200 Romanian clinics, offer the anti-ageing remedy, called Gerovital H3 (GH3).

Notables such as French President Charles De Gaulle, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, Chinese Chairman Mao Tse Tung, and Vietnamese Chairman Ho Chi Minh have traveled to Romania to receive this anti-ageing therapy. Other well-known people, including actresses Marlene Dietrich, Lillian Gish, the Gabor sisters, actors Charlie Chaplin, Kirk Douglas, Sylvester Stallone, Claudia Cardinale, Indira Gandhi, Pablo Neruda, Salvador Dali have also followed the same path. They traveled to the Otopeni Clinic next to Bucharest.

In October 1985, the director of the Institute of Geriatrics, Professor dr. Ana Aslan was requested for a medical examination in Switzerland. The patient was a celebrity of the time, Saudi Prince Sultan Bin - Abdul Aziz, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Aviation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz was the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Age was in 2011 at the time of death was uncertain. Some argued that the approach would be born in 1930, others in 1924. He died in 2011 at 81, the official age.

Dr. Aslan did her research with GH3. Once discovered by these celebrities, Gerovital itself has become famous and is now used in over twenty countries around the world for its renowned anti-aging properties.

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